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About us >> Leadership >> Dr. Phil Hendrix

  • Founder and director, immr (research-based consultancy)

  • Gigaom Research analyst and contributor,

  • Catalyst and advisor to startups

  • Former partner with leading consultancies

  • Previously B-School professor (U. of Michigan and Emory University)

  • PhD in Marketing (expertise in buyer behavior and market research)

  • Based in Atlanta, Georgia


  • OMMA M-commerce
  • iMedia Commerce
  • Coca-Cola
  • Universities/colleges

Dr. Phil Hendrix is the founder and director of immr (research and consulting firm), an analyst with Gigaom Research, and advisor to startups in digital and mobile. Addressing market opportunities for disruptive new products and services, Dr. Hendrix helps clients develop compelling value propositions, validate product-market fit, and accelerate growth. Within the digital landscape, Phil focuses on innovation enabled by mobile, location, context, and data + analytics.


As an analyst, Phil focuses on disruptive technologies, especially mobile, and implications for companies across industries. He is a regular contributor at leading industry conferences, including GigaOm's Mobilize and Structure:Data conferences, Street Fight (hyperlocal), ad:tech, iMedia Summit, Social-Loco and others. His current work focuses on mobile and its impact on consumer behavior, especially shopping, M-commerce and mobile payment.


As a consultant and advisor, Phil has led significant engagements with startups and Fortune 100 clients in mobile, consumer electronics, retail, financial services, transportation, insurance and others. He works closely with management and project teams on key issues, including market sizing, segmentation, positioning, and branding as well as innovation, user experience, and customer retention. Over the course of his career, Phil has helped clients conceive and successfully launch dozens of new products, services and businesses.


Before founding immr, Phil was a partner with DiamondCluster (strategy and technology consultancy, now the strategy group of PwC), founder and head of IMS (Integrated Measurement Systems), and a principal with Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman). He has held faculty positions at Emory University and the University of Michigan, where he taught courses in marketing, research, and buyer behavior for MBAs and executives. While at Michigan Dr. Hendrix also held a joint appointment as a research scientist in the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research.


Additional perspectives and reports prepared by Dr. Hendrix are available at immr, Slideshare, and GigaOm Research.




  • Innovation 
  • M-commerce
  • Shopping
  • Mobile + Loyalty
  • Engagement



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